I felt a bit sheepish after reading this post thoroughly this morning so I thought why not completely edit this post;some finishing touches have resulted into this refined edit post. I would be happy to see as many people incorporate some changes on to their blogs. I have been thinking over a little time that why shouldn't I share some of the secrets that I have used in changing my blog to what it is at present from the way it looked before going through a series of "Previews and Republishes". The only thing about the secrets is the hacks for blogs are easily available and very easy to incorporate.
What is a hack?
In the CSS on the default Blogger templates there is a freedom to add, edit or modify codes using a combination of Javascripts, HTML, and C++. A blogger hack is nothing but couple of lines of codes that are simple to add and customizes your blog page. These codes are available in abundance on the InterNet.I have thought of sharing it with the Bloggers who wish to modify their pages as well.
Skill Sets.
There is not much of skills required except cut, copy and paste. The instructions on the following hacks are very easy to understand and undertake. The best part is you can always revert back to the original just in case you find the hack lousy.
Always ensure that there is a back up of the current CSS.The method for storing an the current CSS is as follows.
Login to Blogger.
On “Dashboard” click “Change Settings”
Then go to “Template”, where click on “Edit Current”
Then select, copy, paste the it on the “NotePad” on your desktop.
If you have time and you are patient enough you may have the page modified in a way that you like.
If the codes which are provided between these hacks are between then make sure you modify it.
Peek at comments:
This hack can be used to enable reader to take a peek at the comments. This uses a Javascript and modifys your comments.
This hack is used to change order of Archives.In the default blogger template, the month in which you posted first remains on top. After using this, the month in which you last posted will be first followed by the Archived months.This happens to be my “favourite” hack.
Commentor’s Name.
This Hack can be used to display the names of those people which have commented on your post. The best example happens to be on Puneet’s blog page.The names of all those who have commented on your blog appears after the blog's footer.
Personalize comments:
Are you often agonize by seeing “0 comments” this hack will help you change that.
I want to see more hacks.
There are many other hacks that you can incorporate.These are the twp links which I would recommend. These sites will provide you with blog sites which also provide hacks.
Blog Fresh.
This Blog site is exclusively for Blooger Hacks.
Blogger Hack @ Blogger Help. There are some hacks provided by blogger itself. All the above mentioned links have their roots on this page.
Are you tired of the same old template and wish there were more templates on offer.
Try google search for Blogger templates.
If u are wiching for some modified templates check out Thur’s Templates.
Blogger-Templates.This site is also directory to many other sites providing Blogger templates.
Get Psyco:
It uses a free source code programme and can be used to get a customed template. It is time consuming though. So if you wish to get Psycho, I suggest you try it.
Add Ons for your sidebar.
I personally don’t like people adding “Google Search” on to their side bar, because on the navigation bar there is a utility to search the blog. As it is people don’t jump on to the Archives if the blogger has been blogging for more than an year.
Calendar.There is no Calendar in Blogger templates.Hust in case you wish to add one then click the link
Tag Clouds.
I am still figuring out what the use.It shows the maximm used words on the blog page.
Clocks.You can add the HTML codes to your side bar which will show the clock u have chosen.
No registration. Just selct the counter followed by cut copy paste.
Also try the following sites to find something to your liking
I hope people send me the link if you find anything u many find which is "interesting".
this is good!! wow.. thanks!
thanks for the tips:-) will def try and incorporate some of them.
this is fantastic
thanks a million
i'm gonna try some of those for sure :-)
@ Neha, Lavanya and Puneet:Mention not.I hope to see a few changes in your blog.Keep blogging :)
thnx for sharing ur SECRETS :)
i m thinking of changing my look... i mean the my blog's look
Hey Dude!
Nice job. Shall Incorporate these ideas in my blog soon! Kudos to U!!!
@ Sudeep:CHange is the way ahead.Make sure u have the old CSS beofre u switch.
@ Anirudh: ;)
hey this is cool tarun..*wink* *wink* thanx for sharing yaar..it will help a lot.
..am always crazy about this things but so afraid to do,coz i had an experienced that i've lost some of my files after i tried to change my template.
...i have to learn many things more ahh...
happy weekend..
I was hooked to blog hacks when I used to use blogspot...
Definitely this is gonna help a lot of blogger pals...
Nice one dude
@ Kathy: Thank You Kathy.
@ Arz000n: Yeah every one loves some hacks on their blogs.I am just curious to knowabou wordpress?How does it helps?I mean in which ways is it better than blogspot?
whoa tarun..u r a genius dude:)
@ Dewaker: Hey there are many u can find online.Just thanx me I have nothing to do.The concept of Bloh Hacks is a pretty old one.
Thank U anyway
hey Tarun! great tips... i'm still keeping busy with the projects in hand... will try out some change soon as i get free... Cheers!
thanx for the piece of info..
When is today's match analysis coming up???
I dont like late comers :)
@ Mon:You already have done a few tricks I hope u do more.
@ Pinks:Thank U Pinks.
@ Sudeep:I was busy; could not get the action live,need to check in on the highlights then only wil do something about it :(
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