
About: TJ's DJ name

It was a while since I checked on Blog things.
I guess a boring Sunday Afternoon is the perfect time.
I dug into Blog things and tried this one.

Your DJ Name Is: DJ Blue Spinner

I'm with the DJ!

Second Edit:

You know it is summer …

When you sit for lunch or dinner and think of a desserts.

If there is a power cut you imagine the fan/AC be working.

You want a curfew between 11 AM and 4 PM.

You sit and wonder and try to look back at the calendar and wonder when was it last when the day was pleasant.

When you go out, you pay more for fluids then for food.

Spicy food seems a challenge for the day.

If the weather is so hot, then you wonder why the sweat glands don’t sublimate, you know from solid to vapour.

You know it is seven in the morning, yeah the body clock has started to sweat it out.

All kind of flu and stomach intricacies start to happen left right and center.

Weekend dates are fixed with the family doctor for consultation and follow ups.

When the minimum temperature of the day exceeds the average human’s body temperature by few degrees.

You wonder if hell has come closer.

I say Ciao to the pleasant climate which never really came and saying welcome to summers that never really went away anywhere. I am fearing the advent of this summer, cause lot many thing are bound to crop.It seems the summer is long and the road is daunting to say the least. Did some one ever say "Baptism by fire." was that person talking of Indian summers. I hope I am ready to face them off, till rains come and bring tears of joy with them. :D


Keshi said...

u know its Winter when Keshi is leaving... ;-)

Stay gold!

Cess said...

hehe, someone went to blog things without me :( i understand i was not there pretty much, i think i did the dj thingy but i don t remember my name, ok let me do it.... wait for it... llol... DJ Skinny Skunk i m everything except skinny, so funny!!!!! anyway, have a pleasant hot summer!

Tarun said...

@ Keshi:U sure u not getting married?
I never imagined I would be saying this to you ... Bye for now. :(

@ Cess: DJ Skinny ... welcome to my blog page. :D