
About: Three Amigos, Three Actors, All Legendary.

The three actors which I am talking about need little introduction if one follows Hollywood. I believe most people reading this blogs do so. I hope I am not wrong in what I believe.
I am talking about Robert DeNiro, Dustin Hoffman and Al Pacino. All of them are contemporaries and have done well in leading as well as supporting the films which many of us have a good expperince of watching. At-least we do not regret watching these movies. All of the above mention actors have over the years achieved a certain mastery over the things and the manner in which they are done. Add Gene Hackman to this list too. The reason of special mention of these actors is the confusion which they bring in. I have seen a lot of DeNiro and Pacino but not much of Hoffman.
All these actors bought forth a lot of vigour; in the sense they seem to fit the characters just like a hand in glove. I always had a confusion regarding names and faces of these actors. Its always been ones face and the others name. I think they are all time leading and now great support actors and they have truly earned whatever they have after all these years.
I would like to recommend these following films featuring these actors.
Robert DeNiro: Taxi Driver, Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers, Casino, Godfather
Dustin Hoffman: Meet the Fockers, The Runaway Jury, Kramer versus Kramer
Al Pacino: Devil’s Advocate Donnie Brasco.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tarun,
You missed some of the more famous and absolutely marvellous Pacino movies. If you have not seen thes, I would highly recommend them.
Scent of a woman, Taxi Driver, The Insider, Carlito's way, Scarface and Godfather(He was Micael Corleaone so was in all three - I like the first the best). The last 3 are considered his all time best, at least so far.
Some Hoffman classics are : Tootsie, Death of a Salesman, All the presiden't men and The Graduate.
Some De Niro greats are : Raging Bull, The Untouchables, Goodfellas, Casino, Wag the Dog and Analyze This.
I am sure there are some good ones that I might have missed. But the ones I mentioned are definetly the more critically acclaimed.

Tarun said...

Hey Sakshi good to hear from you.I have seen some of them and missed a few of them.But i do love watching movies though.

Anonymous said...

Yup, Me too. I have now built a substantial collection. But once I get a job, it will expand by leaps and bounds.