
Blog: I see what we see.

Would you be thrilled, if your anticipation in life was Superlative? If you could almost; "first guess" what the person in front you or on the opposite end of the table would be thinking? I hope all of you know what second guess is, let me put it in my own words, it would be like understanding the rationale of the action the person on front of you, or the person competing with you undertakes. "First guess" would be something what Bobby Fischer would likely to do, almost influence the opposition player to walk into your trap. The person is not only happily walking in but buying you a nice bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine if not a magnum of champagne.

I am no Bobby Fischer, I loved chess and I am a decent chess player that’s it. I knew how the pawns would would move, how the Knight would hop and jump, how the bishop looked like and why the Queen was always feared. But this is nothing to do with my professional/personal/whatever, life. I sometimes end up first guessing; often it’s good, often I land, or better said, crash myself into soup. I had read some where long time back that it’s simple for Gemini’s to land themselves in a tough situation and it is far more simpler to get out of those tight corners. Ok, it was equally simpler. The thing, what I read stuck with me, but me getting out of situation has not always been hot knife through the butter kind of a case.

I am at times, more gullible then I want to be but I would credit (and point a finger) to me, being often too gregarious to be true. Even if you think for all, a little bias is one of the toughest sentiments to ignore, hide and subdue. When people try to hide what wrong they did, or what right things they couldn’t do, you can almost smell them covering themselves with something just to cover their tracks. There are lot many things. Often people react in way that you hear between the lines. The cooked story is so hilarious. It often amuses me that people who think they know you so much Then add the people who dont know you. I think it is far more hilarious then how people react with you when they know you.

Everyone has limit to what they hear, see, touch, smell, taste. But I think if you want to dearly undermine your own being, start being prudish, act infallible and thrust your opinions on others. The very second you start doing this; you will feel worst then stink of your garbage bin. You will. I think you don’t want to assume anyone fallible. Don’t ever do that. Ever. It is the perfect recipe for disaster. It however could be freely interpreted to being fearful of your own being. But then if you now you are good and help people to climb up to the same strata and also helping them avoid the pitfalls that tested you, you would do fine.

If you are bad, to end something you need to recognize that you are rank bad and you want to improve for the better. Curtailing, avoiding or giving up smoking for example. Yeah I know who cool it is to puff that thing which are fire on one end and fool on another. I have been that fool for many a times in my life. But when I reduced smoking, I didn’t smoke, for three or four months straight, I just didn’t smoke. It is tough for me to give up smoking simply because it was the most easiest thing I could imagine doing. Buy a cigarette, light it, smoke it, simple. I still haven’t kicked away the habit, but I can happily say that it is pretty much in control. But in gullibility does kicks in from time to time. I do have a slight remorse. When is enough; simply enough? It is a personal decision. But, as an ex smoker, cigarette smoking if a tough ugly habit to kick away. Kudos to people who have done that, and a semblance of half pat on the back from I to me.

My MBA is just going fine, I cleared my first year a fortnight back. I am very skeptic of securing a job. Everyone's saying that things are changing for good, or things would have changed by the time I pass out of my MBA. It something I worry about a lot. I don’t worry about many things in life. There would be some who say I don’t worry at all. I worry about lot of things. I must confess. I pride myself as someone who can just sit back amidst a tough situation, smile on things that happened in past and present and then move on with renewed focus. A day without a smile is a wasted day.

I wonder if my thoughts are signs of time, but I am skeptic of things would unroll in the next coming weeks, months and years. I am not pessimistic though.

(Second Edit)


Keshi said...

being skeptical is every human's JOB ;-)

Good luck nevertheless Tarun!


Tarun said...

@ Keshi: Hahahahahaha ... Thanks for the Luck Keshi.

Keshi said...

btw I changed the last pic cos u said they r all too dark. yeah, so just for ya! ;-) and it does hv a meaning too hehe.


Tarun said...

@ Keshi: Off course those pics would have a meaning,I had no doubts on that. :)

I guess the pics may have reflected the mood of the post.

Keshi said...

true :) u know me too well!
